Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Becoming a Personal Trainer at My New Health Club

Becoming a Personal Trainer at a new health club is always exciting.

Since April 1st of 2008, I've been personally training clients independently; in their houses and in outdoor boot camps.

After moving to a new city (Manhattan Beach, CA), I thought to myself, why not go back to something that is both fun and allows me to meet tons of new people in my community.

So, I've taken a personal training position with a large health club... 120,000 square feet to be exact.

It has all the bells and whistles.

A pool, 2 basketball courts, a huge cafe with lots of healthy eating choices, a "yoga wing" to help keep the usual weightlifting noises to a minimum, and almost everything else you can imagine.

It's a beautiful place to workout and to work on becoming a personal trainer.

One of the factors that attracted me most, in addition to the above-mentioned items, is that this health club employs over 50 Personal Trainers -- all nationally certified and most degreed.

A lot of Personal Trainers new to the industry might think that this would prevent them from building their business for several reasons.

They might think that there would be too much competition or that the Personal Trainers with the most tenure would prevent them from creating a business foundation for themselves.

That thought process couldn't be farther from the truth.

When you are surrounded by that many successful Personal Trainers, especially those with education and personal trainer certifications from reputable organizations, you can't help but feed off their energy and enthusiasm.

This type of environment makes things better for both the Personal Trainer and for the clients who benefit from an increased sharing of ideas, techniques, and exercise programming among the Personal Trainers.

When you are passionate about something, you talk about it.

That exchange of thoughts makes every Personal Trainer better.

As soon as we pick up on something new, we try it for ourselves, make sure it works effectively, then we pass that new knowledge on to our clients.

This is one of the ways that we continue to help our clients get lasting results.

It's been about a year since I've been in the gym atmosphere and working in a close, athletic environment with 50 other Personal Trainers has reignited my passion and has me pumped every time I set foot in the gym.

Becoming a Personal Trainer is one of the most exciting choices I've made in my life.

And what is even more exciting is being able to share my fitness knowledge with men, women, and children who are becoming more conscious of the impact their own health and fitness will have on their lives today and in their future.

If you're thinking about a career as a health professional, visit our article section on How to Become a Personal Trainer or our directory about choosing a personal trainer certification.

Or, if you're a fitness enthusiast and are looking to expand your own fitness knowledge or are seeking the help of a Personal Trainer, visit Manhattan Beach Personal Trainer. Our team is looking forward to hearing from you.

Committed to your fitness success,

David I. Bohmiller, BS, NSCA-CSCS
My Personal Trainer School LLC

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